The do’s and don’ts of dry shampoo

The do’s and don’ts of dry shampoo

Once upon a time, if you had events to attend and people to see and your hair was looking like an oil slick you had to set an alarm to give yourself enough time to jump into the shower and wash your locks before getting ready. Now if you’re running late and need a quick refresher, a simple spritz of dry shampoo and you’re good as gold!

I’m sure the majority of reader’s here know all about the miracle product, but just in case you don’t, dry shampoo is a quick fix for removing excess oil from your roots – no soap or water needed.

It comes as a liquid or powdered product and is a fantastic on-the-go option for both men and women.

As well as sucking up all of those unsightly oils, dry shampoo adds voluminous body to your roots and helps extend time between washes so that you can prolong your heated hairstyles. It also adds a lovely refreshing smell to your hair to give you that fresh-out-of-the-shower scent. 

If you’re considering giving dry shampoo a go or you’re after some helpful tips and tricks, here are a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to refreshing your do’s with dry shampoo.

Do start with your hairline and divide your hair into sections

The most practical way to distribute dry shampoo is to first spray along your hairline and then divide your hair into sections spraying along the roots but directing most of your focus onto your part.

You want to cover your entire head without weighing it down with product. 

Don’t spray your entire head

Although it would be easier just to spray your entire head with product, you are less likely to get good results and more likely to scatter white residue throughout your hair.

The idea is to be precise and then blend the product in accordingly for a seamless finish.

Do spray lightly

No need to go crazy with the dry shampoo can. You’d be surprised how far a little product can go.

Keep your sprays light, quick and controlled for the best results.

Don’t spray too close to the head

Spraying dry shampoo too close to the head will leave you with stubborn hard-to-remove white residue and may leave your hair looking wet if you are using a liquid formulation.

Ensure that you are spraying dry shampoo onto your roots at approximately 30 centimetres distance.

Do lightly massage product into your hair

The best way to blend dry shampoo into your hair is by lightly rubbing it in with clean fingers.

Flip your head and massage your roots for a thorough blend and some bonus volume.

Don’t touch your hair too much 

After you have blended the product through your hair, try not to touch it too much.

Smooth and style your hair as you usually would but from that point on, limit the touching where possible. This will cause more oil to surface.

Do use dry shampoo before bed

A good tip is to use dry shampoo before bed if you aren’t anticipating washing it the following morning. This will make your morning routine a lot quicker as you will just need to do some minor touch-ups.

Don’t give up washing your hair all together

Dry shampoo is great, don’t get me wrong, but it’s still extremely important to give your hair a good wash at least 2-3 times a week.

Use a clarifying reset shampoo to clear out any dry shampoo build-up to keep your roots happy and healthy.

Click here to browse our range of dry shampoos

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