Contact Hub

Your satisfaction and beauty journey are our top priorities. This is your direct line to us for any enquiries, feedback, or assistance you may need.

Have a question about a product, shipping, coupon codes, an order that you placed or trouble checking out? Why not check our Frequently Asked Questions page for a quick answer.

Some of our frequently questions include:

Reprehenderit voluptate veniam cupidatat aliqua et esse voluptate laborum mollit occaecat. Elit amet et reprehenderit. In eu ut non anim non voluptate velit nostrud. Qui labore nulla consequat magna ad minim amet.

Laboris proident esse quis commodo do aliqua. Laborum fugiat laborum mollit minim proident. Sint ad cillum non nulla ut ea. Dolore officia est fugiat aliquip velit exercitation ut officia nulla ea dolor. Ut do excepteur ipsum dolore exercitation est veniam amet sit labore in officia nisi reprehenderit nisi.

Mollit nostrud qui incididunt officia excepteur non quis mollit pariatur. Incididunt ea magna est velit non minim ex incididunt sint magna ea tempor. Dolore quis occaecat ad ut non nostrud commodo elit aliquip sunt veniam eu. Sint cupidatat dolor elit veniam qui incididunt consectetur qui dolore anim. Irure reprehenderit adipisicing amet sunt nisi deserunt et culpa quis. Proident cupidatat eiusmod commodo sint commodo voluptate qui tempor sunt magna nulla ipsum. Anim eiusmod ut mollit eiusmod veniam.

Sit commodo sint ad reprehenderit ad esse non incididunt ut do. In proident sint consequat amet ut irure labore magna laborum Lorem laborum. Consequat fugiat id sint anim quis ipsum sint irure. Proident nulla nostrud sint fugiat reprehenderit nostrud tempor nostrud irure occaecat magna in deserunt duis.

Nisi consequat laborum occaecat tempor aute. Exercitation non sint anim aliquip mollit ad officia voluptate laborum nulla. Incididunt culpa elit et eiusmod. Mollit Lorem veniam ad consequat occaecat. Duis nulla incididunt voluptate.

Email Enquiry Form

We are currently not offering wholesale opportunities at this point in time. Please shop from our Makeup Sale category for great discounts and prices, or on general everyday items that are already marked down below regular RRPs. For further information read more at our FAQs page or Contact Us with any questions.

Some of our frequently questions include:

Your minimum order must be over $600

Please email us at OR fill out the form and a customer service representative will be in touch shortly.


Wholesale accounts will receive a personalised code but must purchase via the regular website checkout – there is no separate wholesale login.

The discount available will vary between 15 and 20% depending on the size of your order and which brands you are purchasing.

Please note this discount is NOT applicable to “SALE” items. You may still buy the SALE items but no further discounts will be applied.

If you have any other queries please enquire to

Wholesale discounts are traditionally for somebody with their own retail business, whom wishes to resell items via their own business.

Wholesale discounts may also be applicable for makeup artists, event planners, etc.

Some lines have limited stock available.

Please enquire at beforehand for a quantity available.

Sale priced items have already been reduced to a clearance price, well below any discount available.

Therefore no extra discount can be taken on these items.

These are items that appear either in the sale category, or have a ‘sale’ sign on them.

Do you have an issue with your order?

You can check our FAQ page for answers to most of your questions, or you can lodge a dispute below. Once lodged you can also track the progress of your dispute online at any time.

New Dispute Form